Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm a digital immigrant

If you haven't read Born Digital by John Palfrey, you might want to pick it up. He refers to the generation born after 1980 as digital natives, and suggests that they think, learn, and use technology differently than us older folks. For some of us, us, learning new technologies is like learning a new language - we can do it, but the neurological wiring isn't there, so we need to create it. One of my struggles with technology is wanting to understand the "whole picture", or the complete operating manual, before I start. I think it's just not possible anymore to grasp even where the borders are of the huge amount of information on any subject.

My kids & those digital natives who are kind enough to help me with tech stuff say I need to learn to pay selective attention - in "my way" of learning, I want to grasp the whole and then focus on the specifics. The whole is now far too huge - and I start feeling lost. I'm hoping this project will help me keep my bearings!

Here's a link about the book:

I'm sure there's a way to insert that as a hyperlink, but I'm out of time!


  1. Ellen, it is certainly true that the younger generations are much more attuned to digital technology than is mine. They come to it naturally whereas we have to make an effort to learn it. My six-year-old grandson has been able to work the DVD player since he was three and when even younger would look longingly toward the computer and we would wonder what he was thinking. Facebook has allowed my daughter to stay in touch with friends from high school and college and she is always up on current events and news despite the absence of newspapers in her home. She may occasionally watch a television newscast but gets most of her news online. I take comfort in the thought that some day in the future she might feel left behind by a younger generation's technology (evil laugh).

  2. I keep meaning to read Born Digital but haven't gotten to it yet. I shall move it to the top of the list! It's really interesting that you can see your approach to technology in that 'whole manual' kind of way. So fascinating! I think it's all kind of like driving a car. We really learn so little of how it all works. And we know something's wrong when it starts making a noise or doesn't start and then we take it to the pros. Computers and the internet - same way. I still couldn't really describe how the internet even works! (much to the continued horror of my systems analyst husband!!)

    Thanks for the book reminder and keep noting how your approach to these new tools may help and hinder your journey! Good stuff!
