Monday, July 19, 2010


If there's a max on # of times you can reset your password, I'm getting there - and I swear I keep setting it to the same thing. It seems like every time I click on a link in blogger it asks me to sign in AGAIN, and then tells me my password is incorrect - the PW I typed in 10 minutes ago, and wrote down on the pad of paper near my computer...

I finally got back to this blog, and am relieved I'm not the only one who hasn't posted recently. I did subscribe to Google reader - clearly I need to be more selective about WHAT I read online, or I'll have no time for books!


  1. Oh dear. I have had issues like that with blogger in the past, which is one of the many reasons why (for my personal blog) I changed to Wordpress.

    If you are doing this program at work, could it be your computer? I know that here at my job everyone's computers are on a shared drive and it has been formatted not to remember passwords, etc... Or possibly if you're not using a google account to access blogger it may give you a hard time.

  2. thanks Elizabeth... I'm trying to do it at both work (PC; shared drive) and home (mac)and, just to make things more complicated, we use gmail for work but it would not let me access some options (I think that's set by our admin), so I am using my personal gmail account for those, and it seems like things are cross-linking, AND I can never figure out when clicking on a link moves you to that link and when it just opens in a new tab.

  3. I think we can blame blogger sometimes too - it's like it gets the hiccups. But that's frustrating for sure. Are you still having the issue? All the email addresses, passwords, links and permissions can get hairy!
