Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wiki Wacky

I'm wandering the web.... it's so easy to get sidetracked; I set up my wiki but spent so much time reading help pages, best practices, etc. that I haven't done much with it yet. I hope it will provide organization for next year's TV Tune Out Week, plus a place to organize resources, track planning, etc. We'll see! For now, I've finished today's root beer float, and my garden is calling its siren song. Have a great weekend!


  1. That's the spirit! I think just learning about the uses of a wiki and how libraries are employing them is really ideal so that sometime in your own life and job, if something comes up, you can say 'that's a job for a wiki!' Like this TV Tune Out Week. How fun!

    Hope you enjoyed your float - still need to get one for myself!

  2. I admit I skipped the wiki, only because we have an internal one here at work which we have for all the member libraries/staff, and anyone who has a password to get in, so for now, I get how to use one. Setting one up is just not going to happen anytime soon.
    Gardens --- way too much veggies all coming at once, not sure about IL. Canned tomatoes last weekend, canning more this weekend, or salsa, or something!
    Oh, thanks for the posting on "comments'. It came about from webinar by David King about virtual libraries with suggestion to give something away for someone doing something on your blog, website, facebook wherever. I'm sorry but I've not the funds to send you the ARC! But I owe you one sometime (smiley). Cheers.
