Thursday, August 5, 2010


My older daughter & her boyfriend stayed overnight with me so I could take them to the airport @ 5:15. I forgot how chirpy she is when she wakes up - please! But the night before she looked over my 21 Things, and helped me narrow down the feeds I subscribe to so that they're it's not (as) overwhelming. (She also made me promise not to subscribe to anything new for a week, til I see how the current list feels.)
And she was helpful - and patient - as I tried out some of the new stuff. But (as usual) I started wandering the web, intrigued by one thing after another. After a couple of "Mom, why don't you finish what you were doing first?" comments, she just started saying "Shiny" in a hypnotic voice every time I went wandering again. Shiny. Distracting. Bewitching. I have to learn to watch out for Shiny Syndrome!

The good thing was that I actually felt caught up - for about 12 hours. And I was sleeping for 6 of them. But still...

1 comment:

  1. I think that's brilliant that your daughter helped you narrow down your feeds and made you promise to try out the current list before adding anything new. Brilliant! It can all get so easily overwhelming and when it does, I know I certainly just want to throw in the towel. So dipping a toe (or even a foot!) in is always the best way to begin (and even stay if that's what you want!)

    I too have the shiny syndrome though. Love that you're calling it that! There's just so much out there!
