Tuesday, August 31, 2010

ring-a-ding things

OK, I've been lurking & reading - time to jump back in! I helped my daughter Liz move to Milwaukee and set up her new 4th grade classroom (Hooray for Willard School librarian Marcia Ryan, who gave me boxes of weeded books for Liz' classroom library), and then took a day yesterday to help my daughter Mary set up her math classroom. (In fact, there were more contractors than teachers, trying to get everything done before school starts - it's a beautiful new building.)

SO - trying to get back to posting with 21 Things! I am feeling the information overload with all of the new things, readers, alerts, etc., but enjoying seeing it all. I still need to figure out how to avoid internet indigestion from over-indulging. :)

It's been a busy time with a lot of back-to-school stuff, including welcoming 2 new school librarians to our district. I'm looking forward to a great year of school/library collaboration, and I'm hopeful that the wiki I set up will help - once we all start to use it. Our staff wiki @ the library has been great - so glad we have it.

More later, I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, information indigestion! I love it! That is a risk however. But I think, just like playtime for a child, you don't need pour out the toybox every single morning at your job and make sure you touch and play with every toy, but it's good to know they're there, and how to help patrons with them as they begin using them too and, hopefully, find a few that would be great assets to your department! Thanks for sticking with us and hope you're still having fun!
